Singing for Sanctuary Workshop

Singing for Sanctuary Workshop

Calling all singers from Brighton and Hove…and beyond!

Please join me in a brand new community choral happening  – one which we hope will grow as an annual event and will attract singers from all over the country

SINGING FOR SANCTUARY is a  Natural Voice massed singing event organised by Brighton Sings UK, who have kindly asked me to be their Musical Director.

The blueprint for SINGING FOR SANCTUARY is much like a ‘scratch choir’  event – we have 8 songs complete with audio parts and scores ready and waiting for your delectation as soon as you sign up!

We are also running monthly rehearsals in Brighton, at the lovely Friends’ Meeting House in Ship Street. The dates for these are: 12th October, 16th November, 14th December and 11th January, and they lead to the big event itself on SATURDAY 28TH JANUARY 2017 at the iconic and gorgeously acoustic BRIGHTON DOME.

SINGING FOR SANCTUARY features a diverse repertoire of song: from shape note to blues, Brazilian jazz to South African solidarity, and folk to (choral) big beat and including contributions from folk legend Peggy Seeger, gospel great John Mark Harrison and visionary writer  Maya Angelou -intertwined with powerfully moving spoken word.

Our songs are chosen for their messages of strength, aspiration and solidarity and some may be familiar, and some are less well known. There is no bigger thrill for a chorus singer to perform in a four-part harmony with hundreds of other singers!

You really don’t need to be able to come to the rehearsals to take part, as you can learn everything through the audio tracks and the scores, but if you would like to take part, a good bet would be to assemble a few friends – maybe from your own choir – and join up together! Then you can rehearse together – and there is a group discount! Click here for more info

So come on down to the beautiful, dramatic windswept winter wonderland that is Brighton in January! Come and make a weekend of it!

14 Dec 2016
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Friends’ Meeting House

Address and map