
I wrote this song after 9/11, inspired by a conversation I had with my (then) eight-year-old children about how the WTC events had made them feel. September sees those events through the eyes of children, who just wanted to lock the door, close the curtains and forget about the rest of the world.

In the subsequent 16 years, I have written many songs around the theme of strength and solidarity through adversity, but this song is still as powerful for me as the ‘stand up and be counted’ songs, as the headlines continue to bring terrifying news of division and bigotry.

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Song information

  • Technical:Slow 4:4 - think power ballad / trip hop driving it. This song has some very close harmonies and semitone changes, so it may not be appropriate for beginner groups. It's a good exercise in close harmony homophonics though and the soprano part is totally different to the others.
  • In the package:5 audio files and 2 PDF files.
  • Genre:Songs for Change, Songs of Reflection
  • Mood:Minimalist, Reflective
  • Level:For experienced singers, Medium

Licences are required if songs are to be used by individuals or choirs in workshops or performances. By purchasing a licence for this song, you will be licensed to teach, sing, perform or record it for usage with restricted groups as follows: Small (up to 30 people) – £ 15.00, Standard (up to 60 people) – £ 25.00, Unlimited (any number) – £ 30.00.
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