Brighton Tubthumpers with Robb Johnson! 06/03/2016

Brighton Tubthumpers with Robb Johnson! 06/03/2016

On 6th March Tubthumpers welcomes a guest tutor, amazing folk musician Robb Johnson, who will co-lead the workshop with me.

Together we are offering a singing and composition workshop. You are invited to come and help create the Tubthumpers Anthem.

We will be learning songs for our upcoming gig Concert to Calais.

The workshop will take place in Exeter Street Hall, and not our usual venue, and will run from 1pm to 6pm (so slightly longer than other Tubthumpers workshops).

You can book your place now.

  • £25 (full – the cost of the workshop)
  • £20 (concession)
  • £15 (lower concession)

When booking through paypal it would be helpful if you could  include the name of the person attending the workshop as a note to seller.

There are two free crew places, offered on a  first-come-first-served basis. Please email me if you are interested.

Robb & Kirsty

Robb & Kirsty



06 Mar 2016
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Exeter Street Hall

Address and map